Speech Therapy

Welcome to the TVUSD speech therapy site. You will find links to information, activities and tools to support your child’s speech therapy needs. Whether your child is working on their speech (articulation) skills, language skills, social pragmatic skills, improving their vocal quality, fluency, or AAC you will find lots of information and links to useful resources for helping your child improve his/her skills.

Please contact your child's therapist if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions at any time. We're always happy to help! Our contact information can be found on the Therapists page


As children are learning to talk, they may say some sounds the wrong way. They learn some sounds earlier, like p, m, or b. Other sounds take longer to learn, like /z/, /r/, /l/, or "th". It is normal for young children to say the wrong sounds sometimes. For example, your child may make a "w" sound for an "r" and say "wabbit" for "rabbit." Your child may leave sounds out of words, such as "nana" for "banana" or "soon" for "spoon". This is okay when your child is young but it may be a problem if these errors continue as he/she gets older. 

Most children can say almost all speech sounds correctly by 5 years of age. Some sounds such as "th" and /r/ are considered to be "developmental sounds" and may not be acquired until the ages of 6-8 years, and this is still in the developmentally appropriate age range. A child who does not say sounds by the expected ages may have a speech sound disorder. You may hear the terms "articulation disorder" and "phonological disorder" to describe speech sound disorders like this. Your child may substitute one sound for another, leave sounds out, add sounds, or change a sound, which can make it difficult for others to understand your child.

How to Support Your Child's Articulation

1. Use gentle reminders of correction when speaking with your child. Attempt to only model the sound that is currently being practiced in speech.

2. Try to revise what your child has mispronounced by repeating it using the correct production of the targeted sound. Emphasize the mispronounced sound. For example, the child said, “I like the tuck.” Parent can say, “I like the duck too.”

3. Try to practice targeted sounds at home for 5-10 minutes a day. Suggestions of activities include: memory match, scavenger hunts, coloring pages, adding a sticker to word lists as they are imitated, “feeding” words into a tissue box, word searches, Apps on smart phones and devices targeting articulation, and eye spy. Your speech-language pathologist will have many more ideas as well.

4. Model the sound during your daily routines as much as possible. For example, if your child is working on the final /G/ sound, the parent could say, “Please let out the doG. We have such a cute doG. Let’s take the doG for a walk.”

5. Address health issues such as ear infections, voice difficulties, sleeping concerns, dentition problems, drooling and mouth breathing, which may be contributing to mispronounced sound productions.

6. Read to your child and when your child’s sound is brought up in the story be sure to emphasize it. If your child is a reader, encourage them to seek out their target sound in the book as well.

7. When you are playing with your child take the opportunity to emphasize correct sound production. For example, when you are playing Candy Land and your child’s sound is initial /Y/ in words you could say, “I am on the Yellow square.”

8. Attempt to congratulate and emphasize when you hear correct production of your child’s articulation targets. For example, “Wow! I just heard you make a great /K/ sound- way to go!”

9. Use positive and descriptive words when trying to correct such as, “Great try, but this time when we try to say the /TH/ sound, let’s put our tongue through our front teeth.”

10. Ask about how things are going at speech and sit in to watch and participate if it’s possible.
Created by: Twin Speech, Language & Literacy LLC

Word Lists

Below are lists of suggested words to use when practicing your child's sound at home. These words can be incorporated into a variety of the recommended articulation activities on the "Speech and Language Activities" page. 

ballerina, bedtime, beehive, berries bee, bunny, busy, butter, button, boy, banana
cowboy, robot, ladybug, baby, peek-a-boo, cheeseburger, strawberries, log cabin, neighbors
crab, cub, web, taxi cab, door knob, crib, job, ice cube, tube, grab

chain, chess, chest, chew, chick, chimpanzee, cheetah, cheesecake, cherries, chicken, 
beach ball, catcher, crutches, hatching, highchair, inches, ketchup, marching, touchdown, peaches, 
bench, beach, branch, bunch, catch, coach, couch, ditch, hatch, march

dancer, deer, desk, dishes, dog, doll, door, duck, dentist, desert
hot dog, ladder, lady, radish, reading, shadow, wedding, cheerleader, radio, rodeo 
bride, food, hand, bed, mud, parade, mermaid, sled, sand, wood

face, fan, farm, feed, feet, fence, phone, fox, fur, fudge, 
elephant, telephone, laughing, taffy, headphones, campfire, coffee, dolphin, buffalo, golfer
calf, cough, elf, loaf, leaf, thief, roof, laugh, giraffe, wolf
goat, gate, gift, gold, gum, game, girl, ghost, goose, gorilla 
dragon, hamburger, luggage, jogging, cougar, juggling, tiger, chewing gum, kangaroo, spaghetti
frog, bug, leg, dog, hug, log, slug, hot dog, bulldog, pig

hall, ham, hand, hard, house, heart, hammer, hat, hippo, hive
groundhog, beehive, lighthouse, birdhouse, grasshopper, hula hoop, seahorse, uphill, forehead, doll house

jam, jeans, jug, joey, jacket, jet, jump, jungle, juice, jar
badger, cages, magic, edges, agent, high jump, pages, object, soldier, subject
stage, fudge, cage, bridge, edge, age, huge, judge, page, cabbage

can, key, car, comb, cat, cow, kids, corn, candy, kangaroo
chicken, raccoon, bacon, pumpkin, rocket, peacock, bakery, helicopter, vacation, apricot
sock, snack, walk, stick, truck, block, snake, steak, snowflake, magic

lake, lamb, lamp, laugh, lawn, leaf, leak, legs, limb, lime
balloon, bowling, collar, dollar, elbow, eyelashes, jelly, necklace, pillow, pilot
ball, bell, bowl, bull, doll, eel, heel, mail, mule, nail

blanket, blocks, blue, blink, blank, blackberry, blood, blurry, blush, problem
clothing, cloud, clock, clap, cloud, clam, club, close, clarinet, classroom
glad, globe, glass, glow, glove, glitter, glue, glass, glider, glasses
float, flip, flop, flag, flat, floor, flower, floss, fly, flat
plane, plant, plow, place, plot, planet, plank, plus, play, please
slip, slide, sling, sled, slap, slim, sleep, sleeve, slow, slug

mouse, milk, mail, mop, math, mess, moon, man, match, mitt
plumber, summer, timer, woman, lemon, hammer, swimming, drummer, number, chimney
clam, aim, game, comb, ram, home, time, lamb, lime, climb

nap, nest, necklace, neck, need, knife, knock, know, knee, nurse
planet, many, dinner, pony, any, canoe, banana, sunglasses, dinosaur, rainbow
brown, cone, fun, down, train, green, spoon, bun, can, chain 

pencil, pelican, party, pig, pals, pickles, penguin, penny, pony, parrot 
leopard, diaper, hippo, apple, grasshopper, zipper, mopping, octopus, napping, zookeeper
jeep, lamp, mop, ape, soup, tulip, ship, tape, sheep, asleep

raft, ram, rain, rash, rat, read, road, robe, rope, rose
airplane, arm, bird, carrots, earrings, cherries, giraffe iron, horse, lizard, 
bear, car, chair, deer, door, ear, fire, floor, four, hair
bread, broom, bridge, brick, brow, braid, break, breeze, bride, bring
crayon, crab, cry, crane, craft, crate, cream, crumb, Chris, crow
draw, drum, drill, dragon, drive, drape, drag, dream, dreary, dry
fries, frog, frame, friends, France, fresh, freeze, free, fry, Friday
grapes, grass, grill, great, grade, grip, growl, grandpa, angry, hungry, 
prince, present, pretzel, printer, prize, practice, protect, price, apricot, footprint 

sale, salt, sand, saw, seal, sew, sick, sign sing, sit, soap
baseball, bracelet, castle, dancer, fussy, glasses, icing, possum, bathing suit, whistle
boss, box, bus, chess, class, dice, dress, face, fence, fox

skunk, skirt, skeleton, skateboard, scarecrow, skates, school bus, scarf, skin, scoop
slippers, sling, sleeping, slide, slug, sled, sleeve, slip, sloth, sleigh, slime, slouch, slice
smile, smell, smoke, smash, small, smokestack, smart, smart, smirk, smooth
snail, sneeze, snake, snore, snow, sneakers, snuggle, snowmobile, snowman, snapdragon
spider, spoon, spool, spaghetti, sports car, spaceman, spill, spooky, speaker, speed
stairs, stamp, star stop, student, stove, storm, stork, store, story
sweater, swing, sweep, swim, swan, sweatpants, sweet, swimsuit, swing, swallow

chef, shoe, shapes, sheep, ship, shirt, shells, shut, short, show
Celebration, bushes, cashier, dishes, fishing, flashlight, fractions, horseshoe, lotion, milkshake
brush, cash, dish, fish, leash, push, splash, squash, trash, wash

teeth, tie, tire, toad, toast, toys, two, teacher, tiger, telephone
button, cheetah, guitar, kitten, photos, skater, sweater, mittens, waiter, anteater
ant, bat, boat, boot, cat, coat, fruit, goat, hat, bracelet 

thorn, thin, three, thimble, thumb, thunder, thick, thigh, thousand, thief, 
bathtub, earthworm, athlete, bathrobe, toothache, toothbrush, panther, python, toothpaste, birthdaygrandmother
bath, broth, cloth, earth, fifth, math, mouth, teeth, tooth, wreath 

van, vase, vest, vet, vine, valentine, visit, violin, volcano, volleyball
Beaver, clover, driveway, ivy, seven, shaving, carnival, envelope, screwdriver, seventy
cave, dove, glove, beehive, olive, sleeve, five, love, drive, give

worm, wait, walk, wild, wall, world, want, wings, warm, wash

yard, yarn, year, yellow, yell, young, your, yesterday, yes, yawn
kayak, lawyer, yo-yo, New York, royal, lanyard, layer, mayor

zoo, zebra, zero, zigzag, zipper, zoom, Zachzinnia, zombie, zoologist, zucchini
bulldozer, magazine, music, newspaper, television, blizzard, cheesecake, closet, cousin, daisy
beads, bears, bees, boys, bugs, cheese, dogs, eggs, jeans, keys

In this section you will find links for helpful tips and models to support your child's aritulation skills. Within each "Tip" you will find a link the the Peachie Speechie for video models.

Articulation Apps

hy use apps to improve speech and language skills?

1.      Tablets and phones are motivating! Studies have shown that children are more motivated to interact with an electronic device than they are by paper-and-pencil activities.
2.      Many apps offer free or "lite" versions so programs can be sampled before making a more expensive purchase.
3.      Apps provide an opportunity for parents and their children to spend time together while reinforcing education at home.
4       Regardless of a child's age or ability level, tablets make information accessible through voice or touch.
5.      Apps can be easily incorporated into playing, reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and more!
6.      For students working on their articulation skills, many apps allow recording of a child's productions. This helps with comparing progress later, as well as providing the child a chance to self-evaluate.
7.      Apps are cost and time saving. They are generally cheaper than purchasing books or other materials, easier to access, and they help save the environment.
8.      Most apps can be adapted to different levels to meet your child's specific needs.
9.      As technology continues to expand within the educational setting, electronic devices and apps provide students with access to the Internet and all of the great technological resources that are available in that context.
10.      Many apps facilitate literacy development, a key factor in determining a child's academic success. Read on to see some of our favorite or highly-rated apps!

Many articulation apps are expensive ($30-40 or more), HOWEVER, this is generally the case to purchase the full app with all sounds. Only the sound that your child is working on needs to be purchased, which greatly reduces the cost. Most articulation apps have a free or "lite" version and in-app purchases for a single sound range from $2-7, with some exceptions. Please be sure to keep this in mind when looking to purchase an app for articulation practice. **Please also know that prices are subject to change. The prices listed below were current when the page was constructed and are updated periodically.


Language Enrichment Activities

1.      Choose books of interest to read to your child and for each page or paragraph (depending on the age of your child), ask comprehension questions, such as who, what, when, where, why and how. If they have difficulty with answering, assist them by modeling what a "where" answer sounds like; add information to your child's answers.
2.      Retell stories or books "in your own words," one-to-one or as a family. Model retelling, and then ask your child to do the same in a comfortable setting. If this is too much for your child, "chunk" the story or text and every so often have them tell a part or the story, or "what's happened so far."
3.      Read a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to your child. This will help in them in later grades when they read textbooks in science and social studies, when they read for factual information, and when they learn research methods.
4.      When reading together discuss new or complex word forms as you run across them. Children may benefit from highlighting or paraphrasing the following: words that are opposites (hot - cold), words that mean the same thing (big - large), and words that have more than one meaning (feet as a body part - feet as in measurement).
5.      Play categorization games with your child. For example, name as many animals, sports, colors, etc., as you can. Teach your child what to do and say if they don't know an answer. Start by asking them what they do know if they answer, "I don't know."
6.      Play same/different games with your child. State two items, for example. popsicle and ice cream cone; ask how the two items are the same and different.
7.      If your child uses incorrect grammar structures, "I gotted a A on my project," model the correct grammar by saying, "Oh, you got an A on your project."
8.      If your child is difficult to understand because she or he uses non-specific words during stories or explanations, (for example, "We went there and got the stuff for the thing,") you can label the non-specific words as "words that don't tell us much," or as "confusing words." Model for them how to be more specific. Example: "Your class went to the library to get books for the read-a-thon," now you tell me again.
9.      You can practice sequencing with your child by cutting out newspaper funnies, or cartoons. After you read them have your child put them in the correct order and tell the story. Encourage them to use terms such as, first, second, third, and then, next, last.
10.      Practice sequencing with your child by using a real life situation such as, "tell me how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

1.      Board games such as "Outburst Junior", "Apples to Apples Jr", "Tri-Bond", "Scattergories", and "Twenty-Five Words or Less", help increase vocabulary, understanding of categories and word retrieval skills.
2.      Games such as "Guess Who" and "20 Questions" aid in verbal reasoning and provide practice in asking appropriate questions. "20 Questions" also challenges auditory memory skills.
3.      Following recipes or steps to a craft project can improve sequencing and language comprehension skills. Having your child teach a parent or sibling a recipe, rules to a game or steps to a craft project can aid in expressive language skills and sequencing.
4.      Play "barrier games" together. Two people are seated across from each other with some type of visual barrier between them. One person creates something (e.g. a picture using a dot matrix, an easy paper folding activity, a route on a map) and must give exact instructions so that the other person can recreate the same thing without looking over the barrier. These games aid in using precise and clear expressive language skills as well as language comprehension skills.
5.      Tell stories using story starters (for example, "Jane sat down to breakfast as usual, but when she opened the cereal box something very strange happened") or story telling picture cards. Picture cards can include any pictures of potential characters, places and objects. The story-teller chooses pictures from each category at random and has to make up a story using these pictures. Others can "add on" to the story with new cards.
6.      Make predictions about a story or chapter of a book you read to or with your child. Discuss what you think the book is about or what you think will happen next. As you begin reading, discuss whether your predictions were right. After reading a story or chapter of a book to or with your child, talk about the key parts of the story. Who are the main characters? Where and when does the story take place? What problems do the characters have to overcome? What do they plan to do? How do they finally solve the problem?
7.      Discuss short informational paragraphs read to or with your child. What is the main idea of the paragraph? What are the details?
8.      Use verbal problem-solving skills to discuss situations that may come up in your child's life. What would they say or do? The Kids' Book of Questions by Gregory Stock has a wide variety of questions and situations.

1.      Develop verbal problem skills by evaluating, analyzing, predicting and generating solutions for possible problems as they occur at home. 
2.      Practice social communication skills (for example, turn-taking in conversation, eye contact, maintaining topic of conversation) in planned 3-minute conversations working on one skill at a time. Evaluate your skills.
3.      Strengthen passage comprehension by "reading between the lines" as you piece together segments of information in order to answer questions requiring inference. Strengthen comprehension and memory of facts by answering comprehension questions from material read.
4.      Practice creative storytelling by presenting story starters of imaginary characters.
5.      Develop vocabulary by keeping a "vocabulary notebook" to include new vocabulary heard in school and at home. Define and use the vocabulary word correctly in a sentence. Enrich meanings of words by defining multiple-meaning words, idioms, metaphors in context of stories read.
6.      Practice functional communication skills (i.e. clear articulation, voice quality, pitch, volume, rate) in 3 minute monologues and evaluate.
7.      Strengthen oral communication by expressing a personal opinion on issues.
8.      Develop interviewing skills by answering self-identification questions in mock interviews.
*Language activities courtesy of: Edina K-12 Schools and Honeoye Unified School District. 


7 Tips for Talking With Your Child

1. Reduce the pace.: Speak with your child in an unhurried way, pausing frequently. Wait a few seconds after your child finishes before you begin to speak. Your own easy relaxed speech will be far more effective than any advice such as “slow down” or “try it again slowly.” For some children, it is also helpful to introduce a more relaxed pace of life for a while.   

2. Full listening:  Try to increase those times that you give your child your undivided attention and are really listening. This does not mean dropping everything every time she speaks.

3. Asking questions.: Asking questions is a normal part of life but try to resist asking one after the other. Sometimes it is more helpful to comment on what your child has said and wait. 

4. Turn taking: Help all members of the family take turns talking and listening. Children find it much easier to talk when there are fewer interruptions. 

5. Building confidence: Use descriptive praise to build confidence. An example would be “I like the way you picked up your toys. You’re so helpful,” instead of “That’s great.” Praise strengths unrelated to talking as well, such as athletic skills, being organized, independent, or careful. 

6. Special times: Set aside a few minutes at a regular time each day when you can give your undivided attention to your child. This quiet, calm time, no TV, iPad or phones can be a confidence builder for young children. As little as five minutes a day can make a difference.

7. Normal rules apply: Discipline the child who stutters just as you do your other children and just as you would if he didn’t stutter.

*The stuttering foundation



Prentke Romich Devices: Accent 1000, Accent 800

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Good Habits for a Healthy Voice

1. Avoid talking in a funny voice (i.e., Donald Duck, Darth Vader, etc.)
2. Drinks lots of liquids throughout the day.
3. Avoid caffeine. Cold medicines can also irritate the vocal cords.
4. Avoid constant throat clearing and coughing.
5. Rest your voice (cut down on talking).
6. Avoid yelling and screaming.
7. Avoid whispering.
8. Get plenty of sleep.